The Importance of Fascia!
“Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. The tissue does more than provide internal structure; fascia has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as skin. When stressed it tightens.” John Hopkins
The fascial membranes divide and stabilize different parts of the body.
The effects of manipulation of the fascia can improve the placement and functioning of organs and structural components, central to daily movement.
For example, the floor of the pelvis is that muscular complex which connects the underside of the left and the right hip, and hence supports the bladder and intestines.
When a person has for example, broken their tailbone perhaps in childbirth, or an extreme fall, the floor of the pelvis reacts in a distorted position. As this happens, different parts of the internal structures such as the intestines or other organs, actually become strained and tensioned. They reorient themselves differently within the area of the rib cage.
After a while, the person may begin to develop a shoulder worn neck which just will not become satisfied with any treatment.
Should we suspect that the shoulder or neck now requires surgery….?
Or should we seek evaluation of other potential causes?
Visceral manipulation shows us that correcting a distorted and compromised organ is also a viable means of providing relief for distortions in the body frame or posture.
Visceral manipulation, as other types of Hands-On body work certainly needs to be considered based on all working knowledge of the body.

Fascia Reacts!
“When a person has for example, broken their tailbone perhaps in childbirth, or an extreme fall, the floor of the pelvis reacts in a distorted position.”