The Sherlock Holmes of Pain Relief

The first time I went to Bradbury Massage I was having severe pain in my wrist. Chad quickly assessed the situation. He asked me to stand up, he placed one hand on my head and one on my spine. He said, “hmmm, I see” and he then began searching through his bag for various foam wedges which he placed strategically under my body.  He began pulling my right arm across my chest, whilst simultaneously, holding the back of my shoulder in a sort of pressure grip. Chad seemed in a trance – and suddenly asked if I worked on a computer with my left hand  alot. He correctly deduced that I often scrunch my shoulders while sitting.

After 45 Minutes I could feel my shoulders release and the pain in my wrist was gone. I stood up straight and just felt great overall.

Chad seems to posses a combination of highly tuned massage skills and an innate ability to ferret out your pain. He works like a true creative & inspired detective – often seemingly inventing custom massage procedures on the spot to relieve pain at the source. This is why I refer to Chad as The Shelock Holmes of Pain Relief!

P.S. If you mention Sherlock Holmes when booking your massage he will give you an extra 10% off!


Knee Pain Relief

Knee Pain relief begins with realignment.

“I can feel my leg getting straighter”

“My knee replacement was great but there are still some residual spots of tension. I can feel the massage relieving the deep and stubborn patterns of tension which are a harbinger of chronic pain.”

– MH


Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
is a serious condition affecting the small intestine. It occurs when bacteria that normally grow in other parts of the gut start growing in the small intestine. That causes pain, diarrhea and other intestinal distresses.

Audio Testimonial of how my search for non-medical SIBO-relief led me to Bradbury Massage.

Click above for a discussion about how Visceral Manipulation, as an integral part of Core Alignment Therapy is used to help relieve some of the symptoms of SIBO.